You may know this
game, but not played in quite this manner before. So, you're the author
who is now "IT". To play this game you have to share your Work in
Progress (WIP) or it's a smacked bottom and straight to bed with no supper!
Scarlett Flame tagged me, and these are the rules
credit (including URL/link) to the person or Blog that caught you and who made
you "IT" I was caught fair and square whilst running away.
by the rules - no pinching, kicking, spitting, Chinese burns, crying and
definitely no tantrums! Which also means you must post the rules
must answer 10 questions about your current WIP, no matter the genre, because
possibly we may like to get to know each other a little better (to be honest
it's only 9 because as the 10th question is really only the next step)
5 other authors or Bloggers with their hiding places (URL/Links) so that they
can be chased down and made "IT" so we can all go home now we've
finished playing. Go in, eat supper, and check out THEIR books.
1) What is the title (or working title) of your book
At the moment it’s Gornstock, The Return. The title
will happen as I write.....hopefully!
2) What genre(s) does your book fall under (or land near really!)
It’s really humorous fantasy, but my first book, and this WIP, can fall
into crime/mystery as well.
3) What actors would you choose to play the characters in the film version of
your book (should you ever, ever get that honour really)
Now that’s a difficult one. Cornwallis could be a Hugh Jackman type
character, Frankie a young Ray Winston and MacGillicudy a young Robbie
Coltrane. Rose though is everyman’s dream girl, so you can take your pick!
4) What is the main outline for your book? (Call it a pitch as a synopsis
includes spoilers)
If you’ve read my first book, Banker’s Draft, you’ll be familiar with
Gornstock, but the City now needs to change. Not everyone agrees that change is
needed and one individual in particular takes exception to what is proposed.
The City, and in particular, the Police Force, are under attack.
Cornwallis, Frankie and Rose join
forces with MacGillicudy once again. They have to hunt down the criminal before
Gornstock is laid to ruin....but who is it? and why?
Only good detective work will find the answers.
As we follow our heroes you will meet some new characters as well as some
of the old ones, all quirky, and, to coin a phrase, all done in the best
possible taste!
5) Will your book be Indie published, self published or represented by an
agency and sold to a traditional publisher?
It will be self published. But I’m open to offers!
6) How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
As I’m still writing my WIP I can’t answer that one. However, my first
book took about three years from start to finish, as I had to fit it in around
work and family life. This second book should take about a year to write and I
hope to have it ready before the end of 2013. I’m not a quick writer, but I
have a little more time on my hands now.
7) What other books in this genre would you compare yours to?
The obvious answer to this is Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, though
I like to think there is enough of a difference so as not to tread on his toes.
The humour and writing has been compared with Douglas Adams and Eoin Colfer, (that’s
the feeback I’ve had from readers, not me comparing, you understand!).
8) Who or what inspired you to write this book?
The inspiration for my first book, Banker’s Draft, came about from the
Governments expenses scandal some while ago. I just thought that there was a
book in there somewhere, so I wrote it. This second is just an extension of
that, the characters are telling me not to leave them be and that they want to
come out to play again. So I’ve let them out!
9) What else about the book might pique the readers’ attention?
It’s aimed at anyone with a sense of humour.
10) Thank goodness!! Phew I've ran as fast as I can and these are the author's
I've caught (and any who don't have a Blog of their own are welcome to have a sleepover
at mine and post their answers here)
for my five victims... erm five other authors who will tell you
about their WIP
Clive Eaton